Albert has over 30 years of legal experience, complemented by significant experience in industry.
Prior to pursuing his law degree, Albert worked in human resources, labour relations and safety in the private sector. He has a background in the farming, commercial fishing, engineering-procurement-construction, mining, and the steel industries.
He carries on a general practice of law, with an emphasis on employment and labour, human rights, occupational health and safety, workers’ compensation, education law, health law, municipal law, community policing and enforcement, fire and emergency services, commercial, corporate, non-profits, farming, litigation, and privacy law. Albert also works in cross-border immigration transfers of manpower, as well as, policy writing, surface rights, and the Alberta Energy Regulator. He has experience in negotiations, alternative dispute resolution, prevention, investigations, damage control, crisis management, risk management, strategic plans, and emergency and disaster plans.
Albert’s experience in labour, industrial relations and human resources, combined with his law degrees, give him an in-depth understanding of a variety of workplace, organizational and other issues. He has appeared before various quasi-judicial tribunals and the courts. He is also an occasional lecturer at educational institutions and presents at a number of private and public sector seminars.
University of Alberta, B.A.
University of Alberta, B.Comm.
Queen’s University, LL.B.
University of Alberta, LL.M.
Bar Admission
Alberta, 1991