Construction Law
<< servicesWe are trusted legal counsel, advising on construction projects of all sizes across Alberta, Canada, and beyond.
key contacts
In 2022, Alberta’s Builders’ Lien scheme will be replaced with the Prompt Payment and Construction Lien Act. For those involved in Alberta’s construction industry, this will usher in significant changes.
Visit our Prompt Payment Hub for information and guidance that will help you prepare for the changes.

Understanding your world
In construction, you must balance risk and reward every day. You understand the complexities and challenges of an industry where both global and local factors can make or break a successful project. We understand these things too. In Construction law, our scope is beyond our scale. We would not prosper without a deep understanding of the construction industry.
For over half a century, we have worked hand in hand with the construction industry. We are trusted advisors to our clients and offer full-service support, from project development and conception, to dispute resolution.
We consistently advise on industry-leading projects in Canada, the United States and beyond:
- We have applied our skill and knowledge on over 100 Public Private Partnership (P3) infrastructure projects across North America and overseas. These have included hospitals, penitentiaries, water treatment, and transportation projects.
- We have provided advice on power projects including oil and gas, solar, wind, nuclear, and carbon capture.
- We represented parties in complex litigation, advocating for our clients in multiparty disputes where the stakes are high.
Our clients include:
- Major international contractors
- Private owners
- Municipalities and Government Agencies
- General contractors and subcontractors
- Construction managers
- Equipment and material suppliers
Part of your team
We routinely assist our clients with day-to-day business and operational issues including:
- Builders’ liens
- Contract review and negotiation
- Corporate and commercial transactions
- Drafting of contracts
- Employment issues and labour relations
- Environmental issues
- Labour relations
- Occupational health and safety issues
- Subcontracts and purchase orders
Whether planning a project or pursuing high-stakes litigation, when you choose to work with Reynolds Mirth, we are an extension of your team.
Our commitment to education
We are committed to leadership in construction education.
We offer our clients seminars on the ever-changing legislative framework surrounding environmental law and regulations, occupational health and safety, and other topics of interest. We also teach Construction Law at the University of Alberta, helping to train the next generation of construction lawyers.
In addition, our lawyers are leading instructors and speakers at important construction industry forums including:
- The Alberta Construction Safety Association
- The Legal Education Society of Alberta
- The Construction Super Conference
- The Osgoode Professional Development Certificate in Construction Law
Our commitment to the community
We are active members of a number of industry-related organizations including the Edmonton Construction Association, the Alberta Arbitration and Mediation Society, and the Alberta Construction Association.
Among our ranks are fellows with the Canadian College of Construction Lawyers and the Construction Lawyers Society of America.