Decision Writing Best Practices
Thursday, November 26, 2020
Thursday, November 26, 2020
Hosted By Shauna Finlay and Maya Gordon
Communicating your decision as an administrative decision-maker is critical. Unfortunately, the process of decision writing can be fraught with pitfalls. If written poorly, a decision can have unintended (and often very negative) consequences, including the potential to be overturned or sent back for reconsideration.
In this Essential Training session, not only will you will learn practical tips to write decisions that will avoid unintended results, you will also learn how to make the process of decision-writing clearer, easier and more enjoyable.
What is Evidence and How Do You Use It?
January 14, 2021
Virtual Proceedings: Stories from the Trenches
March 11, 2021
An Act to Protect Patients: 2 Years Later
May 6, 2021
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