Professional Regulatory Law
<< servicesWe provide sound, practical and timely advice to professional colleges and associations.
key contacts
Julie Gagnon
Over 60 years working alongside regulators
As a regulator, you balance countless factors every day. You understand that self-regulation is a privilege, and you understand the key role you play in maintaining the integrity of your profession. We understand this too.
We have worked alongside you for over 60 years. We appreciate the challenges you face because we have participated in over 1,000 professional regulatory proceedings. We understand your legislation because we have assisted professions and the government in overhauling statutes and regulations. We recognize the unique challenges of your college because we invest the time and effort to become an extension of your team.
Practical and timely advice
We provide exceptional and practical counsel in:
- Advice regarding interim suspensions/practice visits and inspections
- Interpreting your governing legislation and regulation
- Business arrangements under your governing legislation
- Interpreting and drafting your regulations and bylaws, policies, standards of practice and codes of ethics
- Membership and registration issues
- Judicial review applications
- Issues relating to incapacity of registrants/appointing a custodian
- Reviews and appeals to your governing body (Board/Council) and appeals to the Courts
- Legislative and regulatory reform
- Providing advice to the Board/Council on governance issues, management issues or membership issues
- Matters related to complaints to the Ombudsman and the Privacy Commissioner
- Assisting with corporate issues, such as incorporation of a foundation
Colleges are the protectors of the public interest and the guardians of their professions’ integrity. We help our clients excel in achieving their mandates, and we have an exceptional track record of doing so.
The importance of the Independent Legal Advisor
We are skilled as external counsel and prosecuting counsel for Professional Regulators. In this role, we advise at all stages of the professional discipline process.
However, we have a special interest in serving as Independent Legal Counsel to administrative decision-makers. This includes committees that review complaints, tribunals that decide the result of professional discipline proceedings, and appeal bodies that review those decisions.
We have dedicated thousands of hours to advising decision-makers. We can assist you in effectively discharging your duties in a way that:
- bears in mind the best interests of the public,
- ensures fairness,
- is legally sound,
- is able to withstand review, and
- avoids unintended consequences.
The value of training
We can offer you or your decision-makers custom administrative law training on topics including:
- Administrative law and decision-making within the context of administrative law
- Understanding your legislation and the authority it gives you
- The principles of natural justice and procedural fairness
- Matters related to the hearing process, including fair hearings, dealing with evidence and witnesses, and deliberating
- Preparing a written decision
- Understanding processes of appeal, including appeals to the Courts and other review bodies, as well as judicial reviews by the Courts
Learn more
We would welcome the opportunity to speak with you about your needs. If you would like to learn more, please reach out to us.