Municipal Law
<< servicesWe are trusted advisors to over 150 municipalities and municipal institutions throughout Alberta.
key contacts
Understanding your world
Municipalities and municipal institutions face countless challenges every day. You must constantly consider the different needs and interests of your stakeholders.
For over 50 years, municipalities and municipal institutions have trusted Reynolds Mirth as their legal counsel. We take pride in serving the communities and institutions that are the heartbeat of our province.
Our clients
We work with over 150 municipalities and municipal institutions in Alberta.
These include cities, towns, counties, municipal districts, specialized municipalities, Métis settlements, villages and summer villages. We also represent related institutions and entities including water services commissions, waste commissions, and utility authorities.
Modern municipalities are more than local governments. They are sophisticated public corporations navigating the same challenges faced by any corporation, all while also working within a complex framework of statutory and regulatory requirements.
Our scope
Reynolds Mirth has decades of experience and insight into all areas of municipal law. Our experience includes:
- Planning and development
- Annexations, expropriations and amalgamations
- Contract drafting and review
- Construction and partnerships, including P3s
- Corporate/Commercial matters
- Privacy law, including matters related to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPP)
- Constitutional law matters and human rights
- Interpretation of the Municipal Government Act
- Hearings before administrative tribunals, including the Municipal Government Board, Subdivision and Development Appeal Boards, and Assessment Review Boards
- Tax assessment, including linear taxes
- Bylaw drafting and review
- Legal advice related to financial matters, including collections
- Human Resources and employment law
- Energy rate board applications
- Bylaw drafting and review
- Risk and liability
- Appearances before regulatory bodies
- Elections
- Council Governance
As our client, you can draw upon our recognized depth in other areas of law. Members of our Municipal Team are also leaders in Corporate & Commercial, Administrative Law, Litigation, Construction Law, and Labour & Employment.
Our relationships
We speak, we educate, we give, and we are committed to the municipal community in Alberta.
The organizations we support include:
- Alberta Assessor’s Association (AAA)
- Alberta Development Officers Association (ADOA)
- Alberta Expropriation Association
- Alberta Rural Municipal Administrators Association (ARMAA)
- Alberta Municipalities (ABmunis)
- Local Government Administrators Association (LGAA)
- Rural Municipalities of Alberta (RMA)
- Society of Local Government Managers of Alberta (SLGM)
We are proudly partnered with Alberta Municipalities and work with them as their Casual Legal service provider.
Our assessment help line
We provide Alberta municipal assessors with an Assessment Help Line. The Assessment Help Line offers a 15-minute call at no charge to discuss any questions related to:
- collecting construction cost information
- handling requests for additional depreciation
- navigating the legislative requirements for exemption requests
- property assessment and taxation
Please call us toll-free 1-800-661-7673 to speak with one of our team lawyers.